Accountants and Consultants


Thinking Outside the Box...and the Office.

Photo by Henrik5000/iStock / Getty Images

What makes us unique?

When was the last time you visited your independent public accountant's office?  Never?  Yeah, we hear that a LOT!  That is why our firm has implemented a business model that is on the cutting edge of how professional services firms are operating their businesses.  Our firm operates through a virtual office and is completely mobile to conduct every aspect of our business where it matters most...face-to-face with you!

In July 2013, the Journal of Accountancy published an article titled, "How to Open New Doors by Closing Your Office."  The article stated that while only an estimated 5-10% of all accounting firms were operating without a brick-and-mortar office, the mindset about maintaining a physical office was changing and that the percentage of firms transitioning to a virtual environment was expected to rise.  The article went on to list numerous virtual advantages, all of which Vredeveld Haefner LLC has experienced first-hand.  The benefits to us and our clients have been significant!  Our firm operates very efficiently with low overhead cost and high flexibility which enables us to provide high-quality services to our clients that are at more competitive rates than the competition.

To find out more about our business model and pricing structure, click the "Learn More" link below to send us a message!